Welcome and Thank You for visiting our website!
Independence Baptist Church is a place of welcome and encouragement. Anyone and everyone is welcome. We don't expect you to get everything fixed up in your life before you can come. That is not realistic. We open the door to a place where healing can take place, a hospital for the soul. Jesus doesn't ask you to be perfect before you come to Him. He requires us to admit our desperate need for His forgiveness. He came to seek and to save.
During these uncertain times we continue to share an unchanging message of hope in Jesus Christ!. Our service schedule is: Sunday School at 10:00 am, Sunday Worship at 11:00 am, Sunday Bible Study at 6:00 pm, and Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 pm. As well as having In-Person services, we stream all of our services live on Facebook. You can find us by searching for Independence Baptist Church of Richland. Our heart is in ministering in a way that reaches out to everyone..
We want to be the place where you can find absolute forgiveness, the peace that you need, the place where you can find, and grow in, Jesus.
So many things in life tend to distract us from our pursuit of a relationship with the Savior, Jesus Christ. In Revelation's letters to the 7 churches we are encouraged to hold tight to what we have! God loves you and wants a growing relationship with you. Be strong in the Lord, and if you falter, remember that God is there to pick you up, dust you off, and put you on the right path.
At Independence Baptist Church we are dedicated to the personal growth and development of each person. We seek to offer opportunities to learn more about the Bible and ways of developing your Spiritual gifts. As a church family we desire to grow together and to better serve our community with spiritual needs.
Pastor John Dinwiddie